Pastor Dr. Audrey Eccelston


Pastor Dr Audrey Eccleston is the Secretary of the Joint Council of Churches for all Nations (JCCAN), which is a member of the Churches Together in England (CTE) and Churches Together in Britain and Northern Ireland (CTBI) and represents the World Day of Prayer (WDP) on the National Committee for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. She is currently a widow and serves under the leadership of Bishop Dr Esme Beswick MBE, at Nebaioth Prophetic Church. Audrey is a retired Science & Mathematics teacher, a worshipper and author of the book Praise, Worship and Thanksgiving, first published by iUniverse in 2012. Audrey Eccleston has been a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Chartered Chemist for more than 40 years. Revd Eccleston is an active member of Churches Together in Stockwell and Brixton, as well as Together Croydon Churches (TCC), the virtual Prayer-line which started in March 2020, when the Coronavirus pandemic broke. Rev Eccleston leads Praise and Worship on Wednesdays on TCC at 8 am, before prayers. Dr Eccleston is involved with the Karoy Foundation Charity that drills water wells in Ghana, West Africa and runs a Breakfast Club at Fairfield Primary School, Manchester, Jamaica, West Indies. On Fridays between 7 pm and 9 pm, Audrey joins the Reconciler’s Radio Scripture Forum to study and share on their annual Bible-land Cruise from Genesis to Revelation. Audrey was awarded a Doctorate in Theology from the Family of Christ Theological Seminary, Port Charlotte, Florida, in June 2017 and in October 2017 was also awarded a Doctorate in Divinity from JCCAN. Since 2017, Reverend Eccleston has been appointed leader of the Prayer Department at Nebaioth Prophetic Church and ministers the Word every first Tuesday of the month, on audio Conference Call. She delights in making intercession on behalf of others, following the example of Jesus our Lord. Audrey is currently devoted to study to show herself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly diving the Word of truth, according to 2 Timothy 2:15, to everyone who ask. Audrey C A Eccleston BSc MA MRSC CChem DTh DD

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