The Handbook

Basis of Faith

We believe in ONE GOD, Eternal, manifested spiritually as

three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We believe the Scriptures are a gift from God and are

divinely inspired and infallible. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is God's manifestation in the flesh.

We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His

humanity, His divine miracles, the atoning sacrifice of His

death, the resurrection of His body and His return in power

and glory.

We believe in the salvation of the lost through the shedding

of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ by our Father in Him.

We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in the lives of the

believers and aid and empower us through Faith in Him.

We believe in the unity of the Holy Spirit of all true believers

in the Church, the Body of Christ. For all Races, all People, all Citizens

JCCAN has a place for you. Meeting your needs by Empowering and Equipping for Edification, 

Growth and Revival in our churches 

Aims and Objectives

1.To provide spiritual covering for independent pastors and itinerant ministers 

by the President, Bishop Esme Beswick MBE and the Council of Bishops.

2.  To foster and develop awareness within the Christian community, 

of the spiritual, moral and prevalent social issues and to enhance 

a spirit of co-operation against anti-social behaviours.


3.  To develop an infrastructure of organisations conducive to

the Christian ethos. 

4.  To monitor and guide polices towards an equitable

conclusion that is beneficial to all races.

5.  To encourage Christian unity among all denominations and work 

towards partnership in mission.

6. The aim of the relationship is to provide support and share ideas.

7.    To combat racism at all levels and to promote a just and

plural society.

8.  Sharing and purchasing of church buildings. 

9.  To train and develop ministers for ordination. 

10. To run training programmes in management, leadership and theological studies. 

11. To develop links nationally and internationally with organisations 

whose aims and objectives are conducive to those of JCCAN's.

One Vision, One Aim, One Desire

Fostering and developing awareness

and cohesion where the spiritual,

moral and prevailing social issues are

challenges in our communities.


1. As a member of the Joint Council of Churches for All Nations 

(JCCAN), leadership meetings will be held bi-annually (six months) 

for the purpose of information and planning.

2 Churches within JCCAN’s organisation are in no way legally or 

financially obligated to each other.

3.Churches within JCCAN are to run independently of the Council.

4. Independent churches entering the organisation are not required 

to change their names on legal or financial documents.

5 Independent churches are required to have the following documentation- policies and procedures in place

· Insurance – Employer’s Liability 

·Safeguarding for Children and Vulnerable Adults

·Disclosure and Barring checks (formerly Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) 

and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

6.JCCAN’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in the month of 


7.JCCAN’s Annual Fellowship Conference will be held in the month of 

September, of which all members are expected to attend.

8 Immoral or Inappropriate Conduct - The organisation reserves the right to 

withdraw membership without explanation, as deemed necessary.


• You will be eligible for nomination to JCCAN's Executive


• We will assist members in applying for Public Appointments.

• We will encourage members to become Lay Magistrates.

• Your church members will receive support from JCCAN

concerning immigration matters.

• You will have access to JCCAN's team of Associate Solicitors

when dealing with legal matters.

• We will assist you in drawing up a Constitution for your


• We will recommend you to reliable Auditor and Accountants

when dealing with your church accounts.

• We will help members of your church to gain entrance into

Church schools for their children.

• You and your members will be able to be on various

Ecumenical Committees representing JCCAN.

• You will participate fully at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

• You will participate fully in promoting Christian unity among

all of our members and other Christian churches where


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